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REF Analysis

This page sets out summary data about each unit of assessment and analysis of the 2014 REF results as a whole.

General analysis

Analysis of the 2014 REF results and submissions at main panel and UK sector level:

UOA summary data

Summary data about the results and submissions for each UOA:


Download the AverageProfiles - All UOAs as PDF (2,692 KB)

Comparative data 

Average profiles and associated quartiles of the REF results at UOA, main panel and UK sector level:


Download the REF2014 - comparative data as MS Excel Spreadsheet (77 KB)

REF UOA mappings

Mapping of HESA cost centres to REF main panels:


Download the Mapping of HESA cost centres to REF main panels as MS Excel Spreadsheet (12 KB)

Mapping of 2014 REF UOAs to 2008 RAE UOAs:


Download the Mapping of RAE 2008 UOAs to REF 2014 UOAs as PDF (32 KB)