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The timetable for the REF is as follows:

March 2010 Publication of 'Initial decisions' by the funding bodies on the conduct of the REF (HEFCE Circular letter 04/2010)
July 2010 Publication of 'Units of assessment and recruitment of expert panels' (REF 01.2010)
November 2010 Publication of reports on the REF impact pilot exercise
February 2011 Panel membership announced
March 2011 Publication of 'Decisions on assessing research impact' (REF 01.2011)
July 2011 Publication of 'Assessment framework and guidance on submissions' (REF 02.2011)
End of July 2011 Publication of draft panel criteria and working methods (REF 03.2011) for consultation
5 October 2011 Close of consultation on panel criteria and working methods
January 2012 Publication of 'Panel criteria and working methods' (REF 01.2012)
March - December 2012 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) can request multiple submissions and impact case studies requiring security clearance
27 April 2012 First (optional) deadline for HEIs to submit their codes of practice on the selection of staff
May 2012 HESA data for academic years 2008-09 to 2010-11 provided to HEIs
31 July 2012 Final deadline for HEIs to submit their codes of practice on the selection of staff
September 2012 Pilot of the submissions system and publication of submission system user guidance
October - December 2012 Survey of submissions intentions
January 2013 Launch of submissions system
March - June 2013 Appointment of additional assessors to panels
April 2013 HESA data for academic years 2008-09 to 2011-12 provided to HEIs
31 July 2013 End of assessment period (for research impacts, the research environment and data about research income and research doctoral degrees awarded)
31 October 2013 Census date for staff eligible for selection
29 November 2013 Closing date for submissions
31 December 2013 End of publication period (cut-off point for publication of research outputs, and for outputs underpinning impact case studies)
Throughout 2014 Panels assess submissions
18 December 2014 Publication of outcomes
Spring 2015 Publication of submissions, panel overview reports and sub-profiles
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