Publication of results and submissions
The information on this page was published whilst the exercise was being conducted; this material is provided for background information only and will not be updated.
Latest FAQs (July 2013)
On what basis and at what level of detail will the 'proportion of staff submitted' be published?
HESA will publish data about the volume of staff eligible to be submitted to the REF. HESA have released further information on the HESA website. (This FAQ was updated in July 2013).
Previous FAQs
Will it be possible to identify double weighted outputs in the published REF submissions?
The list of research outputs included in the published REF submissions will indicate the research outputs that the HEI requested be double weighted. The list will also indicate the research outputs that HEIs marked as 'reserve' outputs. No indication will be given of which requests for double weighting were accepted by the sub-panels, or which reserve outputs were assessed. The published submissions reflect the submissions made by HEIs, rather than the decisions made by sub-panels.
Will staff with individual circumstances be identified in the published submissions after the completion of the REF?
The published submissions will include a single list of all the outputs, and a separate list of all the staff, in each submission. The list of outputs will include standard bibliographic data (including the author name) for each output, but will not be listed by author name.
What will be the process for redacting parts of submissions for publication purposes?
When making submissions institutions will be able to identify individual staff, listed outputs or impact case studies that should not be published as part of the submission; and to identify other textual parts of submissions (REF3a, REF3b and REF5) that require some content to be redacted prior to publication. Following the submission deadline, institutions will have the opportunity to return redacted versions of these parts of submissions for publication. Further guidance will be provided in due course.